Founders Brewing Company: Blushing Monk (2015)

ABV: 9.2%


Availability: Rotating

@untappd says: 3.99

This beer is so good, I had to take a vow of silence before putting it on the sill.

Founders Brewing Company first released the Blushing Monk in limited quantities in 2007. It was such a hit that they re-released it as the kickoff to their Backstage Series of brews in 2011. Four years later, they released it again, and that’s what’s on the window sill right now.

If you like raspberries, you’ll like this one. It’s brewed with a “ridiculous” amount. Amazing. Maybe we’ll see the Blushing Monk again in 2019.

Does tasty beer make you blush? Check out more on Instagram, now!