Beers on Window Sills Goes to NEBCO

NEBCO Carpet

I was off from work this week, so I decided to finally visit one of my favorite Connecticut breweries. You might know them as the makers of Fuzzy Baby Ducks (and Double Fuzzy), as well as several other awesome beers. Yep, I’m talking about NEBCO aka the New England Brewing Company. My stay was brief, but I saw more than enough to solidify this as a super cool place to get really delicious beer. Continue reading “Beers on Window Sills Goes to NEBCO”

Lagunitas Brewing Company’s Aunt Sally: My Wife Can Drink Again!

Image of beers–Lagunitas Brewing Company's Aunt Sally Ale

Today on the window sill, we have the story of the woman I love, and the beer that once seemed undrinkable: The Aunt Sally, by Lagunitas Brewing Co.

There was a time when my wife, Jeannie, couldn’t drink. No, she didn’t have a drinking problem or anything like that, but physically… She couldn’t drink. Even something as simple as a glass of wine, or one beer, would send her stomach into a three-day tumult. For a woman whose friends once lovingly called her “Pub Jeannie,” when she’d go out drinking with them, this was definitely a change.

If it was only booze that caused her this discomfort, we wouldn’t have been as concerned about it (it would just be a bummer), but many different kinds of foods caused her the same problems. She could only eat small portions, and she had to avoid things like garlic, red meat, or anything really heavy, otherwise it would make her feel sick. She also got terrible heartburn and pressure. Sometimes, there seemed to be no rhyme nor reason to what food made her feel sick, but any kind of alcohol was problematic. It was bad. Continue reading “Lagunitas Brewing Company’s Aunt Sally: My Wife Can Drink Again!”